Brightness / Contrast

ColorColor & LightColor GradingRaster

Adjusts the brightness or contrast of the layer.


Adjusts the overall lightness of the layer. Zero yields the original colors of the layer, unchanged. Positive values make the layer lighter, and negative values make the layer darker. +100% will give pure white, and -100% will give pure black, assuming no adjustment in contrast.

Range: -100% to +100%; Default: +0%

The separation of light and dark colors in a layer. Zero yields the original colors of the layer, unchanged. Positive values push light and dark colors further apart, increasing the contrast and making details in the midtones more obvious. Negative values pull the ligher and darker colors closer together towards a medium gray.

Range: -100% to +300%; Default: +0%


Images and Video

Brightness/Contrast is best used with image and video layers.

When correcting color in photos and video, subtle adjustments to brightness and contrast usually produce better results than extreme adjustments. Note that extreme adjustments in brightness or contrast can cause clipping of colors or loss of color resolution.

Use Cases

See Also