Bump Map

Color & LightLightingMembers-OnlyRasterTexture

Uses a height map to model bumps or perturbations in the surface of the layer, then applies simulated lighting and shading.

Bump map

Determines the height map to use to generate roughness or perturbations for the surface of the layer.

  • Layer Luminance - Uses the luminance of the layer; brighter pixels are higher and darker pixels are lower.
  • Background Luminance - Uses the luminance of the composite of everything behind the layer; brighter pixels are higher and darker pixels are lower.
  • Preset - Canvas - A built-in height map that resembles the texture of a painter's canvas.
  • Preset - Leather - A built-in height map that resembles leather.
  • Preset - Mud - A built-in height map that resembles mud dried or cracked mud.
  • Preset - Parchment - built-in height map that resembles crinkled paper or parchment.
  • Preset - Wood - A built-in height map that resembles wooden slats.
  • Preset - Weave - A built-in height map that resembles wicker or woven paper.
Default: Preset - Canvas

Determines the colors for the surface of the layer before lighting and shading are applied.

  • Layer - The layer's original fill.
  • Background - The composite of everything behind the layer.
  • Color - A solid color, determined by Fill Color.
Default: Background
Fill Color

The color used to fill the layer when Fill is set to Color.


Flips alternate copies of the bump map so that the edges meet seamlessly.

Default: off

Scales the bump map relative to the layer. If using Layer Luminance or Background Luminance, a value of 1.0 will match the original exactly. When scaled down, the bump map will repeat.

Range: 0 to 10; Default: 1

Stretches the bump map. Negative values stretch the map vertically, while positive values stretch the map horizontally.

Default: 1, 1

The angle of the bump map relative to the layer.

Range: -3600º to 3600º; Default: 0º

For Layer Luminance or Background Luminance bump maps, controls cropping of the bump map before it is applied to the layer. This value is the proportion of the texture that is retained, while the rest is removed by cropping. For example, if this is set to 0.5, half of the texture (measured from the center) will be used, and the outer edges will be cropped. If this is greater than 1.0, the texture will shrink below its original size, leaving transparent areas around the edge.

Range: 0.01 to 2; Default: 1

The amount to offset the bump map from its original position.

Default: 0, 0
Light Source

Controls how the surface of the layer is lit and shaded.

  • Point Light - Shades the shape as though it were lit with a point light. Point lights have a particular position in 3D space and emit light in all directions from that position. A light bulb is a point light.
  • Directional Light - Shades the shape as though it were lit with a directional light. Directional lights have a particular direction in 3D space, but the distance is not used. Direction lights are assumed to be infinitely distant. Directional lights are typically used for light sources that are very far away, like the sun. The difference between directional and point light sources is easiest to see in specular reflections on shiny surfaces.
Default: Directional Light

The brightness of the light source.

Range: 0% to 200%; Default: 100%

Controls how shiny the surface is. Higher values make the surface appear more metallic.

Range: 0 to 1; Default: 0.8

The amount of specular reflectivity in the shape's surface material. Use lower values for a matte finish, and higher values for smooth, glossy surfaces.

Range: 1 to 150; Default: 30

The amount of ambient light in the environment. Ambient light is light that comes from all around, without a particular direction, and is useful for shapes in scenes with lots of soft, scattered light. Lower values result in less ambient light, for a harsher lighting effect and more pronounced shadows. Higher values result in less pronounced, weaker shadows.

Range: 0 to 1; Default: 0.6

The color of the light source.

Shine Color

The color of the highlights of the bump map.


The direction of the light source, used when Shading is set to Point Light or Directional Light.

Default: 75, -75

The distance of the light source from the shape (not from the screen). Positive values place the light source in front of the shape; negative values place the light source behind the shape. This is only used when Shading is set to Point Light or Directonal Light.

Range: 0 to 1000; Default: 600

Height of the bumps in the map where the luminance is at maximum. Positive values cause the bumps to be raised above the surface of the layer, while negative values cause the bumps to be depressed into the surface of the layer.

Range: -100% to 100%; Default: 10%

Smooths the surface normals calculated from the bump map. This is used to compensate for the appearance of steppiness due to the limited range of luminance values available for the bump map, or to remove unwated fine details, such as those caused by noise in a photograph.

Range: 1 to 10; Default: 1


The lighting and shading of the layer is based on a texture, very much like textures applied to 3D objects. However, in this case the texture determines how far a given pixel sticks out from the layer, or put another way, how high the layer is at that pixel. Hence the name "bump map" or "height map". Lighter color pixels represent higher parts of the layer, and darker pixels represent lower or deeper part of the layer. As with any texture, the bump map can be tiled across the layer and wraps at the edges, and settings such as Crop, Angle, Scale, Stretch and Mirror make it possible to control that tiling.

To use bump map, you need pixels to use for the layer fill, and pixels to use for the layer height (the bump map). There are several common approaches to this:

Note that although the bump map is calculated in 3D, the output is rendered in 2D, so it doesn't give the results you might expect when combining it with 3D effects such as Box or Ellipsoid.

Use Cases