Properties | ||
Temperature | The target color temperature, in Kelvin, assuming the original image or video has a temperature of 6500K. Higher values represent a hotter black-body emitting light with a shorter wavelength (bluer or "cooler" light), while lower values represent a colder black-body emitting light with a longer wavelength (redder or "warmer" light). Range: 1000K to 40000K; Default: 6500K |
Strength | The strength of the effect. Range: 0% to 100%; Default: 100% |
For white balancing, apply the Color Temperature effect to any image or video layer, leave Strength set to 100% and adjust Temperature until white objects in the scene appear the correct color.
To adjust the mood of a photo or video, simply apply the Color Temperature effect and freely adjust Temperature and Strength to achieve the desired feeling.
Use Cases
- Adjust the color temperature of an image or video.
- Correct incorrect white balance.
- Change the mood of a scene.